
Wildlife at the Mansion.

This week marks the official return of both myself and my Goldsmiths routines, to the Motley Mansion. I sharnt harp on about all I have planned for this coming year's hive of activity that is my final year projects (but do expect it soon of course) however, I have now returned from the depths of summer retail which means the return of persistent photographic blogging from this point onward!

The photography I really care about and wish to showcase is obviously portraiture but as is usually the case, my mind wanders into taking shots of anything I find vaguely amusing or pretty. Having said that, you can forgive me for my 'wildlife' photography, if anything, I am going to relate these shots to my ever building portraiture of our non-human residents. For this post then, I have chosen a couple of photos that stood out in my iPhoto, & include the creatures I apparently live with....

Awww arn't they cute, why does my grumpy housemate, have to bash them to a pulp with frying pans? Don't fret though children, luckily he wasn't in when we rescued this pair...