
Evie Goodman... The Sister.

I thought long and hard about the setting for her portrait. After weeks of confusion and indecision I took her advice and waited for her sweet 16th... For the most pink-embellished sleepover girls night in, ever. Take a look at the finer details in the background of the shot, some of the pink paraphernalia is ludicrous. By all accounts the girls had many a laugh amongst their night of birthday celebrations (which I assume to be largely Chick flick-esc. and thus do not want to hear about) and equally, I'm sure it was a success (but I did not wish to stick around to find out either to be fair). They were even lucky enough to be graced with my drunken gormless face as I returned from Beluga a beaten man, upon 3 in the morn.

I'm going to return to this post, probably at a later date, to write something a bit more personal about Evie & our tempestuous history as rival siblings, but until then, make what you will of her portrait to add to my collection...