Any self respecting artist has heard of this publication. It's a massive deal pioneered by the world famous photographer Rankin, & this month the well blogged Clinic Presents found themselves published in it. With a fantastic write up and half page spread, I couldn't be prouder of the the guys. Their events are ever increasing in magnitude and creative flair & I haven't missed a single event they've held thus far. Championing them as much as possible and photographing their nights as often as I can, I was rewarded this month by having one of my shots used by Dazed to showcase the creative collective's success. Read the review for yourself...
Here's my original post of the particular event showcased, including the original photo... CLICK!
On that note I shall end this post by announcing that if you can attend the following event... You will NOT be disappointed, Clinic are going places, take note my obedient children...